dear shelly: thank you for your concern and thoughtful answer, i too am an RN and have worked in the ER and ICU for many years and
this is very hard for me since his mother is so indoctrinated into this way of thinking, his condition has gotten worse and we have been told that he will not survive this last bout of childhood guillan-barre. i think that if she hadnt waited so long there might have been a chance at survival but not now. we cant even afford to go to oregon where he is at right now($136 for round trip bus ticket) i told his grandfather to remember him like he was when he last saw him. i am not a jehovah's witness and if this is what it costs then i dont want anything to do with this so-called "religon" i have gotten into some really big blowouts over treatment of JW's in the ER/ICU when they needed a transfusion/dialysis to stay alive and when they wont then it is a terrible waste of a human life.
sincerely rennie(starfirern56)